
Srinivas Reddy
Students taking this course will explore raga music as a critical text and an aesthetic experience. Emphasis will be placed on how theoretical concepts are realized in living musical practice...

Visual Arts and Expressions
Argha Manna
Our Visual Arts programme provides students with a broad education that balances thinking and making, academic rigor and experimental play. It offers a solid grounding in studio art practices integrating traditional arts & crafts and contemporary creative systems...

Pottery and Ceramics
Snehal Kashikar
The process of building clay forms is both challenging and innovative, as it allows for a wide range of creative possibilities. This course serves as an introduction to the fundamental skills, techniques, and processes involved in working with clay and ceramics....

Introduction to Filmmaking
Don Chacko Palathara
This course focuses on comprehensive insights into the historical evolution of cinema and the unique stylistic techniques of renowned filmmakers, fostering critical analysis and an enriched understanding of narrative methodologies within cinematic art.....
The courses facilitated by Art@IITGN will enable students to acquire skills, knowledge, and experiences for living in interconnected contexts, so they can contribute to making life better for others, themselves, and the world around them. The General Education programme encompasses the breadth of knowledge involving the major intellectual and aesthetic skills and achievements of humanity.
This includes an understanding and appreciation of the pluralistic nature of knowledge epitomized by the natural sciences, quantitative skills, social and behavioral sciences, humanities, and arts. To achieve and share such an understanding and appreciation, skills in self-expression, qualitative analysis, information literacy, and collaborative interaction are necessary.
Our courses are designed to help students in developing intellectual curiosity, a strengthened ability to think, and a deeper sense of aesthetic appreciation. General Education, in essence, aims to cultivate a knowledgeable, informed, literate human being.
Artists of the
IITGN community
We envision forming a strong Network of Creative Practitioners at IIT Gandhinagar to interact with each other as well as contribute to the overall vision of ART@IITGN. Encouraging Artists of the IITGN community who are practicing any form of ART (self-taught, formally trained, amateur, professional) to connect with us via this form.
We envision forming a strong Network of Creative Practitioners at IIT Gandhinagar to interact with each other as well as contribute to the overall vision of ART@IITGN. Encouraging Artists of the IITGN community who are practicing any form of ART (self-taught, formally trained, amateur, professional) to connect with us via this form.
Art@IITGN invites expressions of interest for collaborations with institutes, organizations and individuals. Reach us via art(at)